Shaping Trenton’s future starts with you. Read an introduction to Trenton250.
Learn more about the Plan and how it is organized
Learn about the legal requirements for the Master Plan and what Reports the City plans to write
Learn more out the robust public engagement effort
Previous studies and planning efforts
Learn more about the Plan and how to use it
Get answers to your most frequently asked questions
Watch a video about the Master Planning Process
The community-driven vision that will guide the City through its 250th anniversary of incorporation in 2042
Ideal future conditions that describe how Trenton should be in 2042
A coordinated collection of Actions that are designed to achieve a Goal
Individual policies, projects, programs, partnerships, plans, studies, and advocacy positions
Building on strengths to create an active Downtown
Ruilding strong neighborhoods by reinforcing the area’s urban qualities
Revitalizing neighborhoods and attracting new industries
Leveraging vibrancy and cultural to rebuild strong neighborhoods
Reinforcing strong residential neighborhoods and connections to open space
A community-driven consensus vision for the City
Detailed list of all issues and opportunities identified throughout the master planning process
Multi-modal transportation network; legibility; land-use and transportation connections; and access to jobs
Downtown development; industrial development; and neighborhood commercial development
Pre-k through 12 education; workforce development; and personal enrichment
Safe environment; natural resources and open space; climate and natural hazard resiliency; and conservation and energy efficiency
Overall housing quality; vacancy and abandonment; market-rate housing; affordable housing; and historic neighborhoods
Land use; zoning; and redevelopment planning
suitable locations for commercial, housing, and mixed-use development;
locations where the city should increase density, use redevelopment, or intervene in other ways;
opportunities to extend and/or improve open space, recreational areas, and civic facilities;
strategies for increasing economic development;
environmental, historic and cultural resources that need conservation; and
strategies for solving congestion and improving transit services.
Why should a Master Plan be important to you?
Why should I participate in the Master Plan?
Why do we need a Master Plan?
Is the Master Planning process a democratic process?
What is the role of the public in the development of a Master Plan?
How are Master Plans used?
Who uses the Master Plan?
How do I find the issues important to me? How is the Master Plan organized?
What is the Planning Board? What do they do?
What is the Zoning Board of Adjustments? What do they do?
Where can I find the current Master Plan Elements?
How can I get involved?
Where certain types of businesses should be allowed;
How much parking should be provided in your neighborhood;
What improvements should be made to parks and recreation centers;
Where the city should improve streets, intersections, bike lanes, and sidewalks;
What economic development strategy the city should take;
Among so many other decisions.
What economic development strategy the city should take;
Where certain types of businesses should the City try to attract;
How much parking should be provided in your neighborhood;
What improvements should be made to parks and recreation centers;
How to protect our natural resources;
Why certain areas are designated as historic districts;
Among so many other decisions.
Statement of Purpose: A statement of objectives, principles, assumptions, policies and standards upon which the constituent proposals for the physical, economic and social development of the municipality are based.
Land Use Plan Element: describes the land use in relationship to natural features such as: topography, soils, geology, groundwater recharge, streams, floodplains, wetland and woodlands. In addition, it includes maps of existing and proposed development in relation to current and proposed zoning ordinances, and recommends standards for development densities.
Housing Element: Describes available housing types and strategies to achieve present and prospective housing needs.
Relationships with Other Plans: Describes the Plan’s compatibility or consistency with the plans of neighboring municipalities, the county, and the state.
Read more about the community-driven vision for Trenton and find out how this was translated into actionable goals, initiatives, and actions.