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Prioritize Investment in Neighborhoods with Catalytic Potential: Lamberton North

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An Initiative is a coordinated effort designed to achieve a Goal. Initiatives contain Actions that, when executed together, will help the City achieve one or more of its Goals.

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The Lamberton Street area has the potential to become an attractive and safe residential community. If the City is successful in achieving this, the area will further reinforce all of South Trenton as a strong residential community and help bolster property values. With high-quality access to highways, transit, as well as key City amenities - such as the Sun Center, the Delaware River waterfront, Roebling Complex Redevelopment, and Arm & Hammer Stadium – the area has a number of amenities that could be attractive to prospective homebuyers. As such, the Encourage Multi-purpose Use of the Sun National Bank Center and Arm & Hammer Park for Events and Activities initiative and the Revitalize Large Catalytic Development Sites initiatives are closely linked to the housing strategy.
Moreover, Vacant Lot Stabilization programs will be particularly important in this area, since there is a high level of vacancy and abandonment. However, there may also be opportunities for the assemblage of properties for larger scale redevelopment. Such efforts must be made in close coordination with the community and local civic associations, as such an early step should be the establishment of a City & Neighborhood Partnership Committee. In addition, the Lamberton area is a designated historic district and may be an excellent opportunity for a coordinated historic preservation. Such an effort could make significant contributions to efforts to strengthen the housing market in this area. Past efforts in the Mill Hill Neighborhood demonstrate the success that coordinated historic preservation can have on a neighborhood. As a result, the Protect and Enhance Historic Housing and Neighborhood Fabric initiative must be coordinated with the investment strategy for this area.
the City should consider all of the tools identified in the Housing Toolkit to execute this initiative. For more information on the toolkit, see Develop Housing Toolkit & Implement Prioritized Investment Framework Initiative. In addition, the City should implement the actions listed below to supplement the toolkit.

Actions that support this Initiative

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