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Infrastructure Maintenance, Prioritization, and Management Initiative

What is an Initiative?


An Initiative is a coordinated effort designed to achieve a Goal. Initiatives contain Actions that, when executed together, will help the City achieve one or more of its Goals.

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The City of Trenton should develop a data management system of transportation infrastructure to track spending and the expectation of repairs. The city should use data to inform decisions about the development of new infrastructure and transit route planning. This system can be used to track transportation facilities including traffic signals, crosswalks, bus shelters, and bicycle facilities. The database would also include a prioritized schedule for roadway resurfacing and restriping. The database will help the City determine and secure funding for projects. The City will complete Local Public Agency Certification with NJDOT to be eligible for Federal Aid. The database would be used to inform the need for and schedule of transportation projects in the Capital Improvement Plan.
Among other efforts, the data management system could include information from, and coordinate decisions for, the following programs:
  • Great Streets Program

  • Multi-Modal Roadway Classification System

  • Prioritized Sidewalk Repair Study

  • Street Trees Maintenance and Planting Program

  • Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS)

  • Safe Streets to Transit (SSTT)

  • Trail Maintenance Program

  • Trails Gateway Projects

  • Traffic Signal Improvements and Maintenance

This data management system should be used to overlay priorities from various studies and programs in order to develop a master prioritization list. After taking on the task of developing the database, the City should consider pursuing a Smart Cities Program. Given Trenton’s fiscal constraints, the investment and use of technology to guide infrastructure improvements has the opportunity to improve the quality of services provided by the City. Nonetheless, this Program will require vision, advocacy, leadership, and capital that entail a high degree of inter-departmental and inter-governmental coordination and a certain level of political will to derive a consensus regarding strategies, funding mechanisms, policies, or overall programs.

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