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The community-driven vision that will guide the City through its 250th anniversary of incorporation in 2042
Ideal future conditions that describe how Trenton should be in 2042
A coordinated collection of Actions that are designed to achieve a Goal
Individual policies, projects, programs, partnerships, plans, studies, and advocacy positions
Building on strengths to create an active Downtown
Ruilding strong neighborhoods by reinforcing the area’s urban qualities
Revitalizing neighborhoods and attracting new industries
Leveraging vibrancy and cultural to rebuild strong neighborhoods
Reinforcing strong residential neighborhoods and connections to open space
A community-driven consensus vision for the City
Detailed list of all issues and opportunities identified throughout the master planning process
Multi-modal transportation network; legibility; land-use and transportation connections; and access to jobs
Downtown development; industrial development; and neighborhood commercial development
Pre-k through 12 education; workforce development; and personal enrichment
Safe environment; natural resources and open space; climate and natural hazard resiliency; and conservation and energy efficiency
Overall housing quality; vacancy and abandonment; market-rate housing; affordable housing; and historic neighborhoods
Land use; zoning; and redevelopment planning
A Goal is an ideal future condition that describes how Trenton should be in 2042. Goals are shaped by the Guiding Principles. Together the Goals help the City achieve its community-driven Vision.
Guiding Principles related to this Goal
A third major facet of Trenton’s economy is the neighborhood-level service economy that meets the needs of residents near their homes. It is in these locations that entrepreneurs and ethnic small businesses have an opportunity to flourish with the right assistance. However, Trenton's neighborhoods experience a variety of challenges impacting economic development. The Housing Report addresses the numerous housing impediments facing many of Trenton's neighborhoods; however, there are obstacles to the commercial realm that impact the neighborhoods as well. Specifically, there are a lack of resources and support to encourage the growth of retail and service amenities in neighborhoods. As a result, shortages in retail options exist in many categories throughout the city's neighborhoods, particularly in the West Ward. There, a significant lack of retail exists in almost every major category, including general merchandise, food service, clothing and accessories, and health and personal care. This area is also located farthest from shopping options outside the city and therefore should experience the least competition. The North and East Wards are also underserved but to a lesser degree than the West Ward, and have several similar opportunities for additional retail stores.
The Master Plan has identified a number of area or topic specific plans that must be completed.
The Master Plan has identified a number of area or topic specific plans that must be completed.
See details of this InitiativeTrenton should embrace and celebrate its walkable network, and work to design and implement complete streets throughout the City.
Trenton should embrace and celebrate its walkable network, and work to design and implement complete streets throughout the City.
See details of this InitiativeThe City will need to update its zoning code so that it is reflective of the vision, goals, and recommendations identified in the Trenton250 Master Plan.
The City will need to update its zoning code so that it is reflective of the vision, goals, and recommendations identified in the Trenton250 Master Plan.
See details of this InitiativeTrenton’s roadways represent its largest investment in the public realm, and yet too often these roadways are foreboding. Trenton should strive to make all of its roads both safer, and more attractive for all road users.
Trenton’s roadways represent its largest investment in the public realm, and yet too often these roadways are foreboding. Trenton should strive to make all of its roads both safer, and more attractive for all road users.
See details of this InitiativeThe City of Trenton should attempt to manage truck circulation to avoid negative impacts on residential streets.
The City of Trenton should attempt to manage truck circulation to avoid negative impacts on residential streets.
See details of this InitiativeThe area offers potential to build a neighborhood that is once again a destination to safely shop, dine and live.
The area offers potential to build a neighborhood that is once again a destination to safely shop, dine and live.
See details of this InitiativeThe construction of the Assunpink Creek Greenway and Park, the potential for Bus Rapid Transit access along Route 1, and the proposed Market Street Corridor Project have the potential to change the market conditions in this area significantly.
The construction of the Assunpink Creek Greenway and Park, the potential for Bus Rapid Transit access along Route 1, and the proposed Market Street Corridor Project have the potential to change the market conditions in this area significantly.
See details of this InitiativeThe goal in this area is to use the redevelopment of the hospital as a catalyst for change in the larger neighborhoods surrounding the complex.
The goal in this area is to use the redevelopment of the hospital as a catalyst for change in the larger neighborhoods surrounding the complex.
See details of this InitiativeThe Lamberton Street area has the potential to become an attractive and safe residential community. If the City is successful in achieving this, the area will further reinforce all of South Trenton as a strong residential community and help bolster property values.
The Lamberton Street area has the potential to become an attractive and safe residential community. If the City is successful in achieving this, the area will further reinforce all of South Trenton as a strong residential community and help bolster property values.
See details of this InitiativeRead more about the community-driven vision for Trenton and find out how this was translated into actionable goals, initiatives, and actions.